168 lots for Sale in Broken Bow, OK

240 acres of land surrounded by big, beautiful hardwood trees and a 5 acre lake.


Camp Creek Ranch in Broken Bow, Oklahoma is a private, secluded development. The gated entry is at the end of a public road so there’s no through traffic.

While secluded in a heavily forested area, Camp Creek Ranch has numerous modern neighborhood amenities.  The development has cul-de-sacs and roundabouts. There’s a 5 acre lake surrounded by huge hardwood trees making for an overall beautiful, safe and quiet place for your cabin in the woods.

About the property

Declaration and Exhibits

Survey Plat

Declaration and Exhibits

Survey Plat

Established in 1965

When Jerry and Ruth Camp married in January 1964, they were unsure where they would settle down permanently. Their first son, Todd, was born in December 1964 and they wanted to provide a simple, productive life for their young family. In 1965, an opportunity to become landowners came to their doorstep.

James “Bobo” Smith agreed to sell his 240 acre homestead to the young couple in 1965. Jerry, Ruth, and Todd moved into the place straight away. The property included a house and barn, both built in 1919. The house had no electricity or indoor plumbing. Meals were cooked on a gas cookstove, which had only one working burner. Heat was provided by a fireplace in the center of the house. Water was hand-pumped from the well outback. Power and plumbing were added in early 1967.

As Jerry and Ruth worked to improve their property, two more sons were added to the family. Jim was born in 1967 and Guy came along in 1974. The boys, as Ruth still calls them, worked hard alongside their parents to ensure their land was as productive as possible. They raised cattle for consumption and for sale. Each year, they plowed and planted a huge garden which always resulted in a large harvest. Ruth would can and preserve so the family would have plenty throughout the year.

One big addition was a roping arena. Todd, Jim, and Guy were all very proficient team ropers. They would invite family and friends to come participate in timed roping events. Saturdays often saw dozens of folks enjoying the fellowship and friendly competition. Of course, Ruth made sure there was always plenty of food for their guests. This was also true when they would host family for the holidays and Sunday dinners.

As the years went on, the Camp family continued to grow. Todd and Jim built their homes on the property. Six of Jerry and Ruth’s grandchildren were brought up just across the pasture. The kids learned the value of hard work, close family ties, and being good stewards of your home.